Tuesday, July 31, 2012

let them eat cake

Ok, so this is a week of firsts and lasts.  We finally got someone to let us make their wedding cake.  And I say we because my wife did quite a bit to make this whole thing go well.  I searched the web for useful information and I did find one site that was helpful, thank you Edna.   Most of the sites I watched were kind of like Michael Jordon doing a video on how to dunk, see just jump up and stuff it.  Looking back it was kind of amusing to watch Edna smooth her cake in like 2 minutes, a task that took  me 2 days.  So the cake ended up ok and it will be the last butter cream cake we do.  I choose butter cream because most of the sites seem to use it and it is supposed to taste better.  Well fondant cannot taste bad enough to be worth the trouble of trying to smooth that cake.  So if you need a cake (locally) let me know, but it will have fondant.  I would like to first congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schreiber (Marty and Gabby) and thank them for letting us give this a try. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Chris’s super healthy breakfast cereal

So for the last week or so we have all been eating our new home-made breakfast cereal.   Breakfast is an important meal, but most of us just do not leave time for it anymore.  Here is a healthy recipe that is fast easy and fairly cheap.  So let’s get started.  Run down to Wally World and grab a big container of old- fashion rolled oats, a pound of cashews and a pound of almonds.  You will also need some graham crackers and a jar of honey.   Now the famous healthy Chris mixes this with a wooden spoon in a bowl made of healthy organic wood or maybe a vegetable bowl.  Yeah that will work so I put everything in my stand mixer and then I can drink coffee while it does the hard work.  So take half your container of oats; toss them in your bowl.  Take 1/2 your nuts and chop them up about in thirds, toss um in the bowl.  Take 3 of 4 of your graham crackers and break them up to about the same size as the nuts, toss um in the bowl.  Now I was given the recipe and the amount of honey was ½ cup but you want enough honey to mix though all the oats.  I think I ended up with closer to ¾ of a cup.  So start your mixer and toss in a ½ cup of honey let it mix a bit.  If it is still a bit dry add some more honey.  Once it is mixed up pour it out on a rimmed baking sheet.  Bake at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until it is fragrant and starts to brown.  I usually flip it over with a spatula when it is half way through.  Let it cool and put it in an air tight container it will last for a long time.  I usually eat it with yogurt on top but it can also be eaten with milk. 

1 lbs. whole rolled oats
½ lbs. chopped cashews
½ lbs. chopped almonds
½ cup of honey
3 to 4 graham crackers

Mix oats almonds, cashews and crackers in a large bowl. Add honey and mix to combine.  Pour onto a rimmed baking sheet.  Bake at 400 degrees until brown and fragrant turning over half way through.
Store in an airtight container.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Super salad dressing

This is a recipe that is a complete original and is great for any salad. It sounds a bit spicy but it really is not.  I came up with the idea after going through all the stuff I usually add to my salad and I said hey why not make a dressing that incorporates this stuff. 
Now I use a blender to make my vinaigrette, yeah I know Bobby Flay and Emeril use a whisk on TV but at home one of them uses a blender and the other can’t cook.  So take out your blender and blow the dust off it.  Most of the recipes you see for vinaigrette tell you to incorporate the oil slowly to get a better emulsification.  Well I have done it that way and it does stay suspended longer but how much are you going to make?  If you are making a week’s worth; first of all why?  But sure incorporate the oil slowly.  We are making a salad worth today so we will do it another way.
Into your blender throw ¼ cup or franks red hot.
                1/4 teaspoon of cumin
                1/4 teaspoon of paprika
                ¼ teaspoon of pepper
Now when I say ¼ teaspoon I mean use the ¼ teaspoon to scoop with but you can heap it up a bit if you like, even take two if you want.
                ½ teaspoon of mustard
                ½ teaspoon of mayo
These help the mixture stay together.
Turn you blender on and toss in ¾ cup of oil.  A bit about oil, olive oil is the healthiest oil to use.
 There is no argument here, it just is. Now a lot of people say they do not like olive oil because of the strong flavor, and they have a point.   Olive oil comes in three varieties, extra virgin, virgin, and just olive oil.  The variety use to be based on how the olives were crushed.  First squeeze was extra virgin, the second- virgin and the rest was just olive oil.  I do not know if that is true now that it is mass marketed but one thing is true, the higher the level of oil the more flavor it will have.  So just regular olive oil has very little flavor and usually cost less.  No, canola oil is not a good alternative.  Canola oil or (Canadian oil) which is where the name comes from it just oil squeezed from the rapeseed plant.  You remember those we use to grow them to make mustard gas now we have no use for them.  The oil in not unhealthy or dangerous it is just another type of vegetable oil.  So, if you do not get olive oil and this is for salad all the vegetable oils and about the same.    
So blend for like 30 seconds and wow the best dressing you will ever taste.  If you like to spice it up a bit I add some ground red pepper and a shot of tabasco.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Salsa baby,

Salsa baby,

Well the Latin salsa dancer on Dancing With the Stars was eliminated and I think a lot of women out there were heartbroken.  And my favorite, Catherine was eliminated too but I am sure they will make out ok.  The break in seasons gives us a chance to look at salsa and why everyone likes it.  I have seen a lot of salsa recipes and it seems that people think if you chop it up and throw it in a bowl it must be salsa.  Well I am not against experimenting with some ingredients but let’s get back to the basics.  Salsa is essentially a mixture of 3 things with two added later.  Basic salsa is Sweet (not acidic) tomatoes, onions, and cilantro.  Now the mixture has to be adjusted based on how sweet your tomatoes are and how overpowering your onions are.  One thing that a lot of people miss is it takes a lot of cilantro, this is not just a sprinkle.  Now once you have those three if you want some spice you add some hot peppers and just before you serve you add the juice of a lime.  Notice I said the juice of a lime, this is juice that came from a fruit you bought and squeezed by hand over your salsa, not a bottle or lime shaped piece of plastic. In addition to these basics many other things are added like garlic, green or red pepper, chili powder, sugar, scallions and all add something to the flavor.   Some spend extra money to get the chunky salsa I just do not find it as easy to use.  It is hard to dip and the flavors to not seem to blend as well. 
So here is how I make it.  Take out your blender and wipe out the left over daiquiris.
To the blender add:
                 2 cups of roma tomatoes
                1 large onion loosely chopped
                1/3 cup cilantro
Turn on blender and process till smooth, now add
                1 or 2 chipotle peppers
                1 jalapeno
                ½ teaspoon of chili power
                ¼ teaspoon of cumin
                ¼ teaspoon of paprika
Put a small amount of oil in a pan, cook 3 to 4 cloves of garlic until it is soft and started to color, do not overcook  we are talking like 2 minutes here.   Add the garlic to the blender and process
Pour into a bowl and eat.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Main diner

We truly enjoy going to different restaurants featured on Guys’ program Diners, Drive-Inns and Dives.  Last year while we were on vacation we visited several.  The one we really liked was the Maine Diner. http://mainediner.com/  . It was truly the nicest diner I have ever been in.  The service was fantastic, not like 5 star fantastic more like I just went back in time to an old time diner fantastic.  The decorations were perfect and the people were so friendly it was hard to imagine we were not in the south.  We both ordered some dish that Guy suggested and they were everything he said they would be. My wife had the Lobster Stew and it was great- we always try each other’s food. That is not always the case as we found at the Porthole restaurant in Portland, not worth stopping.  But the Maine Diner was great.  The food and even the deserts were large portions and freshly prepared. Just a great stop if you are going through Wells, Maine. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ciao baby

We had a wonderful weekend of eating out.  I try to keep these reviews positive. So, we went out three times and I have one review for you.  The last and best place we went is Ciao of Ithaca.  I have to say I hate to write a bad review; you just never know when you are just trying a place if it was just a bad day for someone.  One of the places we went is a place we go often and always enjoy , we just happened to get a waitress that was a lunatic.  The other place we went, there was just nothing good to say about it.  So, back to Ciao.  I have to say this is the best local restaurant I have been to in years.  Not as good as Union Block Italian Bistro, but very good.  It had great décor; it reminded me a bit of Carrabas Italian Grill.  Very well done, clean, and inviting.  Or server was Trevor, and the service was absolutely great.  I am a former waiter so I am pretty hard on some of them, but this guy had it down.  And to be honest I watched a lot of the other waiters and they seem to be doing a good job too.  And last; the food.  Everything we ordered was freshly prepared and tasted great.  The presentation was outstanding, taking every effort with the plating to add to the meal.  I had a chicken sandwich and my wife had butternut ravioli, both really good.  We stayed for desert and that was just as good, great taste and perfectly plated.  So if you are around the Ithaca mall, can’t imagine why you would be, but stop by Ciao for some great food.