Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Holiday cooking

This Easter we have said good bye to our beloved Grama Dean.  It seems fitting that her death falls in the spring and nowhere near Christmas.  Grama dean was the enchanter of Christmas and all things jolly; possessing nearly every type of decoration and candy that is legally allowed.  As kids, we always looked forward to the wonderful Christmas eves spent on Horner street.  Later in life my kids also looked forward to the same elaborate showing of Christmas joy.  I am including a cherished hand written family recipe with this post for the famous GOO Floppy.  Now I cook and bake and try a lot of different types of food. So having said that and before you comment, yes I have read the recipe and I know it seems simple and maybe a little strange, but it works and it is good.  We spent many a holiday scraping the last of the goo floppy out of the pan.  I know we will all miss Grama this season and I am sure a lot of you out there are missing someone at the table as well.  May God himself join you and take that chair and give you some comfort.  Have a great Easter!

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