As it turns out it was brought to my attention recently that
there is an entire food group devoted to something other than meat and baked
goods. I could not fathom it at first. I
mean vegetables, how will you get them on a bun. But then I was told this is where the
wonderful nectar we call ketchup comes from.
All kidding aside, vegetables’ get a bad rap because they are quite
often served as an afterthought. Years
ago they were the star of the dinner and sometimes the family got meat too. Now
we get a plate of meat (very tasty) and sometimes some vegetables. Well I am hoping to change some of that at
least for us. The first culprit to
attack is the salad. I never, and I mean
never order a salad when I am out to eat.
I have worked in restaurants and I know the quality of the salad you are
getting for your 7 bucks; enough said.
But there is a lot to be learned from how proper preparation of the
salad affects the taste and the presentation.
A salad should include a variety of vegetables not just lettuce and
tomatoes. Vegetables keep fairly well if
you do not cut them up. So keep a variety in your fridge. When you are chopping up your vegetables
think about the size you want when you are eating. Do you really want to stick
your fork into a half of a tomato or whole radish? When I do salad I always chop the vegetables
small. I chop the carrots and radishes into match sticks. Ok, pressed for time? Use Mr. food processor. I chop the onion in to small squares . The tomato depends on how solid the middle is
but I chop it small so it can be mixed throughout the salad.
So for a general salad I would use
2 carrots
4 or 5 radishes
1 onion
1 tomato
1 handful of lettuce
½ bunch or broccoli
¼ lbs. of cheddar cheese chunked small
Now that your vegetables’
are the right size you need to dress your salad. Today I am going share the ancient secret of vinaigrette. Are you ready; 1 to 3.
1 part vinegar, 3 parts oil. Now
if you put it together right it will last a long time. if not you will have to
shake when you use it, big deal. So here
is how you put it together right.
Take your vinegar put it in a bowl you can whisk easily or a
Add some mayo (for a tablespoon of vinegar- maybe ¼ teaspoon
Measurements will very depending on how big of a batch you
are making and they are not critical.
Add some mustard (same as mayo)
Now you ask what type on vinaigrette you want. If you want basil vinaigrette add basil, dill
add dill. Raspberry add raspberry, you get it.
Mix with a whisk then slowly pour in the oil while
mixing. Very slow. If it starts to pool stop and mix it all in.
once the oil is mixed in you are done, less them 5 minutes and you have fresh
Hey send me your favorite vinaigrette recipe