Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pie, we can beat Mrs. Smiths

Pie is an American tradition.  Apple pie is one the most recognized American symbols we have.  And it boggles my mind that many people do not want to jump in and continue this great tradition.  And let’s face it; it’s all about the crust.  How do you make it, will it be flakey, how to get it rolled.  Well pie crust is really a simple idea.  It is a mixture of flour and fat.  When you put it in the oven the fat boils, releases steam and causes the crust, or whatever pastry you have, to rise.  If you have small fat lumps, if you pastry, you will get a texture like a biscuit, if you have large, even lumps you will get a texture like a croissant.  And that is about all you need to know to make a great pie crust.  I have a curst recipe I use that adds vodka.  This recipe, as most of my recipes, is based on a recipe from Americas Test Kitchen.  A wonderful show with great recipes.   The reason for the vodka is to add moisture which makes the crust easier to roll out, but bakes away and leaves the crust flakey. 

Now I have to break in here and admit that I use a food processor to make pie crust. Pie crust can be done by hand without any issues.  My food processor is not your average department store cheapy, but a powerful (Kitchen Aid) cutting monster.  So if you have a less sturdy model it may not handle pie dough or bread dough without overheating the motor.
What kind of pie do you take to your family gatherings?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Whole wheat, is it that much better?

I hear from a lot of people how much better whole wheat bread is than standard white bread.  I have to say I do not agree.  Although I do like some of the flavors from whole wheat, it is not worth the trouble to try to bake an all whole wheat loaf.  Most of the time if I am doing  a whole wheat bread I include 1 cup of whole wheat to 3 cups of all-purpose flour.  That is enough to get the flavor without destroying the texture of the bread.  Let me explain, the wheat kernel has three parts; the endosperm, the germ and the bran.  Normal flour is made from the endosperm where most of the nutrition is.  Also its ground up, smooth and easy to use.  The bran and germ do have some nutritional value but when you grind them up they are jagged and sharp. Not sharp enough to cut you but still sharp.  So when you go to make bread out of whole wheat flour the jagged parts poke hole in the dough letting out most of the air, this leaves you with a dense heavy bread.  This is why people shudder when you tell them you are baking healthy food.  There is never a time healthy bread should not taste good.  So if you just stick to standard flour it will be easier use.  When you want a different flavor just add a half  to one cup whole wheat or rye flour to the mix.  Remember there is nothing unhealthy about using the ingredients God gave us in the way they were intended.  God gave us wheat and I bet even in the time of Jesus they preferred it separated. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A time to cherish

My Great grandmother was a wonderful baker.  She lived in a time when you baked the goods you wanted and it was a rarity if you did not.   I spent wonderful times with her at her home in a quiet city neighborhood.  And every visit involved baking or gardening. She had a fabulous engaging smile followed with a sweet and loving attitude.  How I wish I could have her over now to show her my new pie crust recipe or how I can bake bread.  The time with our loved ones is so short, so take time this week to cherish the moments going on in your life right now.  I am including a recipe from Gram and a picture or two.  I just received this recipe so I will test it this weekend but I am sure it is great.  I have never had anything from her that was anything but great.  I also included a calendar page from Jan 1970, and for those followers who know gram they will see she has crossed out card for Bobby, she already mailed it by then, Bobby is my dad.  And this would be the year she would have her second great granddaughter, my sister.  After this trip down memory lane please enjoy the cookie recipe and cherish the people in your life.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

We all have our limitations!

I will just admit it I can cook a lot of things just by following a recipe, but the one that escapes me is steak.  That is right I have said it. I have rarely had a steak I like and it usually is not one I cooked.  I have a friend at work who thinks I should be ban from being able to buy steak.  He has told me many times it is a crime what I do to a perfectly good cut of meat.  That’s ok I still can do chicken and fish. So, what to do about all the steak in the freezer?  Well I have developed a recipe that not only can I do but tastes ok when I am done.  First a have to say if you are a steak fan and a big grill enthusiast please forgive me, you may want to just skim this lightly.   So here is what you will need:

2 steaks of about any kind thawed
2 medium onions diced
1 carrot diced
1 stalk of celery diced
3 tablespoons of butter
Salt and pepper
To start with turn on your crock pot to low, check Farmville for a while.  Take the steaks out and salt and pepper both sides well.  Play pioneer trail for a while.  The next step, grab a 8 to 12 inch skillet and turn it on to medium.  Toss in the butter and wait for it to melt.  Throw in the onions and cook until they are softened.  Toss in the carrots and celery and cook until they start to soften.  Dump everything into the crockpot.  I also add a cup or 2 of red wine but it is not essential.  Add the steaks on top and cook on low for 6 hours or until they start to fall apart. You can go play all the games you want while the steaks cook!  Let me know your favorite way to cook steak.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pasta; it goes with everything,

I would like to continue to write about bread for another week or two, but my wise and learned wife let me know that I would be the only one reading after a while. So on to another very easy and healthy thing for your family, pasta.  Pasta is so simple that if you have never made if before you should try.  The recipe for pasta is about 3 cups of flour to about a cup of liquid.  I tend to use about a ¼ cup milk or cream and the rest eggs.  Now, if you want to add some color, grate up a carrot and throw it in.  It will not change the flavor but will add color.  Now take your flour and your liquid and mix it either by hand or in a mixer until it comes together.  Take the dough and toss it on the counter and kneed it until it feels like play dough and is well mixed.  Now I am sure there must be a French or Italian word for “feels like play dough” but I will stick with that. Take the dough and cover it with plastic wrap and set it on the counter for 30 minutes.  Really 30 minutes; the gluten needs time to relax so go check your Farmville farm and let the dog in.  I have watched many videos of people trying to make the pasta without waiting and see that every time they roll it out it springs back, that means “let it rest”.   Now that the dough has relaxed, you can make it into pasta.  If you have a pasta machine, start feeding the dough through.  Stay on the large setting until the dough comes together better then turn down the size a little at a time.  If you do not have a pasta machine roll the dough out on a counter, then just cut it with a pizza cutter.  Now the best part, cook it for about 3 minutes and it is done.   One batch of pasta goes a long way and it tastes so much better when it’s fresh.